Panther's Room is the workshop of Dragon Painting Services
Subscribed Players
Hong Kong
Albert Leung - Koguryo Korean II/76 (List submitted and checked)
Andrew Lam - Tai-Li III/36 (List submitted and checked)
Christopher Chu - Gepid II/71(List submitted and checked)/Neil Burnett - Early Bulgar (List submitted)
Herbert Wong - Patrician Roman II/82 (List submitted and checked)
Hermann Ng - Patrician Roman II/82 (List submitted and checked)
James Cheung - Sui III/20 (List submitted and checked)
Jeff Herbert - Pecheneg II/71 (List submitted and checked)
Lawrence Ho - Sui III/20 (List submitted and checked)
Philip Ngo - Hsi-Hsia III/67 (List submitted and checked)
Sam Kwan - Tibetan III/15 (List submitted and checked)
Kenneth Chan - Nikeophorian Byzantine (Backup Player - list submitted and checked by Mr. Dirk Heinsius)
Andrew Norrie - Fedual Spanish III/35 (List submitted and checked)
Anthony Reardon - Arab Conquest III/25 (List submitted and checked)
Bob Smith - Hsi Hsia III/67 (List submitted and checked)
Peter Munn - Early Hungarian (List submitted and checked) (Withdraw)
Phillip Nash - T'u-Yu-Hun II/61 (List submitted and checked)
Sahapoom Anuchatibud - Early Tang III/20 (List submitted and checked)
Wayne Watts - Christian Nubian III/12 (List submitted and checked)
New Zealand
Brett Watts - Patrician Roman II/82 (List submitted and checked)
Final Result
Herbert Wong 74
Andrew Lam 62
Lawrence Ho 62
Wayne Watts 61
Jeff Herbert 58
Philip Nash 57
Albert Leung 54
Hermann Ng 54
Bob Smith 54
Kenneth Chan 53
Anthony Reardon 53
James Cheung 49
Chris Chu/Neil Burnett 47
Brett Watts 44
Sam Kwan 40
Philip Ngo 39
Sahapoom Anuchatibud 27
Andrew Norrie 12