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Flank Attack

Element A moves into contact with Element X due to Sponno advance.  Since it is Element A move into contact rather than Element X, according to page 33 (Front Edge Combat) of the rules, Element A only suffers a -1 penalty in CC unless all of of its flank edge is covered by enemy Element Y.  If Element A loses the CC, it will be destroyed since its flank edge is covered by enemy Element Y, no matter Element Y covers its whole flank edge or not. 

In the situation of the left, Element A DOES NOT suffer a -1 penalty in CC since Element Y does not cover its whole flank.  However, Element A will still be destroyed if it loses the CC.


Please also see page 40 of the DBMM Commentary - DBMM Page 38 - Comabat Outcome - Flank Edge Contact

Please also see page 43 of the DBMM Commentary - DBMM page 40 -Pursuing Elements - Moving Friendly Elements In Non-Standard Flank Contact With Elements Contacted By Pursuers

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