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Hong Kong DBMM Competition 2015

General Rules
1. Date : 14th November 2015 (Sat) and 15th November 2015 (Sun)
2. Venue : Room 632-633, 6/F, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre (Kitec), No.1 Trademart Drive, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon 
3. Itinerary :
First Day - 12:00 Players meeting, 12:15 start of first round, 16:15 start of the second round. 
Second Day – 12:00 start of third round, 16:00 start of fourth round, 19:30 Prize Presentation
4. Format : Standard Swiss system using the points system in the main rule book.
5. Number of players : 8-16. I will act as Player/List checker. My list will be announced before the competition.
6. 4 games will be played.
7. Each game lasts for 3.5 hours.
8. The army selection period is from 500BC to 475AD (i.e. mainly Book 2 armies but armies from other army books covered the same period can also be used).
9. Lists submitted must not exceed 400APs. Scale is 15mm.
10. Participants need to submit his/her army list to List checker (James Cheung) on or before 2nd November 2015 at for checking.
11. Subscription fee : HK$200.00
12. Result in each round and the final result will be posted in the forum. The player who joined the competition is deemed to accept such arrangement.

13. Prize : Trophy will be given to the winner and the first runner up. Dragon Painting will also sponsor Prize for the winner and Runner-Up.

List Format

1. Name and contact details of the player

2. Army name and number

3. Date

4. General, geographical or other selected if appropriate

5. Climate and aggression

6. List and total of elements allocated by command

7. Cost by element type

8. Elements, element equivalents and break points per command

9. Elements, element equivalents and break point for the army

10. Army list errata will be used.

Competition Rules
1. The rules to be used are DBMM version 2.0 with any current official errata and clarifications. This is currently in the form of the Commentary available on the DBMM Forum 

2. Weather and time of the day can be not used if both players agree
3. Table size is 180cm x 120cm. 
4. Players must supply their own terrain pieces
5. Swiss system will be used for seeding
6. Every game will last for 3 hours and 30 minutes 
7. In case of equal points in the final classification, the higher classment position will be gained by the winner of the direct confrontation if any, or by the player with the higher position at the end of the previous round.
8. When the game time will be over, the umpire will call ‘end game’. The game will suddenly stop, except that the combat phase started will be finished. The players will calculate the scoring and give it to the umpires. 

Anyone who want to join the competition please send his/her army list to James Cheung by email ( on or before 2nd November 2015 for checking.


Subscribed Players and Results


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